Small parts usually have a low material value. However, their procurement is often cost-intensive - because the material search, stocktaking and re-ordering of small parts takes a lot of time and therefore causes high costs.
The storage and retrieval systems of our CPS®ORSY warehouse management system offer you greater efficiency in your materials management and constant availability of your parts - even if your requirements are irregular and cannot be planned. By linking to our online solutions, the ordering process is automated, without the need to enter individual orders. We also take care of inventory and shelf control so you save time and money that you can invest in your core processes.
ORSY®: More efficiency through ORder with SYstem
ORSY® stands for order with system. In the solutions we have developed over the years in cooperation with our customers, clarity and transparency are particularly important to us. Thanks to the modular design, we work with you to adapt the system optimally to your needs and the available storage space, so that material requirements are identified and covered at a glance. Even items that are rarely or never used are easily identified and possibly eliminated, so that the space gained can be used for more important items.
Your benefits
- Maximum process reliability through transparent inventory overview and control
- Easy handling without burdening your internal structures
- Cost reduction
- Optimum use of existing storage space
- Fast access
- Increased productivity through automated ordering processes
Simply reorder with the Würth Scanner

Individual. Safe. Efficient. ORSY® shelving systems.
We offer you different shelf components that can be individually combined to create a shelf that suits you perfectly. In addition to shelving for cardboard boxes and containers, we also offer chemical components that enable the safe storage, removal and ordering of chemical products.
Intelligent systems for automated re-ordering

With the Würth barcode scanner you capture barcodes of the items required directly at the ORSY® shelf, on the ORSY® packaging or in the barcode catalogue. The information is then transferred to your shopping basket in the Würth Online Shop where it can be checked and supplemented before you place the order.
Optimum warehouse management in the workshop and on the road
Factory and workshop equipment & Warehouse Management in the Vehicle